Two Services Commercial Locksmiths Provide

3 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Here are two services that a typical commercial locksmith can provide.

The installation of biometric access systems for commercial premises

Many owners of commercial premises need to take exceptional measures to ensure that their properties are secure. If for example, a commercial property owner runs a business that sells extremely valuable products or that handles the personal information of many clients, they must take every precaution they can to ensure that only authorised staff members can access this stock or information.

Commercial locksmiths will often be called upon by these property owners to install biometric access systems. This is a type of system that uses biometric technology to control who can enter or exit either an entire property or certain areas of it. For example, some of these systems use fingerprint recognition technology. When a locksmith installs this system and fits control panels on the entry points to the premises, the property owner can then add certain staff members' fingerprints to the system's database.  

This will then allow these staff members to scan their fingerprints at a control panel that's been fitted by the locksmith whenever they need to enter or exit a certain part of the premises. Because every person's fingerprint is unique, this is an effective way to ensure that no one other than authorised staff members are allowed into a commercial building or specific areas of it.

The installation and repair of commercial safes

Many businesses, including shops, hair salons and restaurants, need a secure place on their premises to keep cash, as well as important business documents that are confidential or would be hard to replace. Because of this, commercial locksmiths will also often be asked to install or repair safes on these types of premises. Whilst the average commercial-grade safe is very secure and not easy to break into, it must still be fitted correctly by a locksmith to ensure that a criminal cannot remove it (and its valuable contents) and take it off the premises. A locksmith can install a safe in such a way that it would be next to impossible for anyone to quickly remove it without an extensive range of power tools.

Commercial locksmiths also do repairs to these safes. Oftentimes, attempts at breaking into safes can result in their lock mechanisms or door hinges being damaged, even in instances where the safe did not end up being opened. Locksmiths may need to replace or fix these components so the safes are secure enough to be used again.

Contact a commercial locksmith to learn more. 
