Replacing Electronic Push-Button Car Keys

6 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Replacing a modern electronic car key is a bigger challenge than replacing an older key, but there are ways to save money and time on the process. Unlike the simple mechanical keys of older vehicles, modern electronic push-button car keys include a variety of safety features. By communicating with the car's computer, transponder keys release the immobiliser that stops the engine from working, allowing you to start your car. Because the car won't start without the key being present, some modern cars no longer even require a key in the ignition: you can start your car with simply the press of a button. 

Repairing push-button keys

If your electronic car key stops working, your first instinct may be to throw it out and get another, but resist this impulse. It's possible that the transponder is still in working order but that another feature has failed: it could be as simple as a broken button. Your automotive locksmith can help save you the expense of a replacement by getting your key back in working order. 

Creating spare keys

One of the challenges of re-keying a vehicle is time. If you lose a complete set of keys, you may find yourself off the road for a day or more while your keys are replaced. To avoid this, it's handy to have a spare set of push-button car keys in a safe place in advance. The less expensive process of creating a duplicate key can save you the trouble and expense of getting a complete replacement set late. 


If you lose a complete set of car keys or if a key is stolen, you may have to reprogram your car's onboard computer. This step will prevent anyone who has the original key from unlocking the car. However, reprogramming is the most costly and time-consuming of all of these processes. If you do need to get your car reprogrammed, you may need to arrange alternative transportation while the work is being done. 

Where to replace car keys

Most people tend to assume that the best place to get replacement vehicle keys is a car dealership. However, many locksmiths now provide services such as key repair, reprogramming and replacement, often at lower prices than dealerships. If your locksmith operates a mobile unit, they can even come to your location, saving you the trip to the dealership. Services can vary depending on your vehicle, so check with your locksmith to find out what they can do for you. 
