The Warning Signs of Imminent Lock Failure

18 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

It may seem that a malfunctioning door lock occurs overnight, but this is not the truth. In most cases, your door lock gradually succumbs to the wear of heavy usage, until the components finally give out. However, since people do not usually pay much attention to their locks as long as they can gain access to their premises, the symptoms of looming doom tend to be ignored. Thus, you may find yourself faced with a lockout situation that would have you scrambling for an emergency locksmith. Fortunately, discerning the signs of lock wear and tear is not difficult. Below are some of the warning signs of imminent lock failure that should make you call your residential locksmith as soon as possible.

The door handle is coming loose

Door handles are supposed to feel sturdy when you turn them. However, these accessories are exposed to high usage, as they are the primary device used to open and close doors. Therefore, with time the doorknob can start to feel loose to the touch. When your doorknob begins to loosen, there is a high likelihood that some of the internal components that are holding the knob in place have come apart. If these parts are not secured back, your doorknob will eventually fall out, and you will be unable to operate that entryway—not to mention that the movement of internal components could also end up affecting the way your keys fit in the keyhole.

The key is proving difficult to turn

Another telltale symptom of impending lock repairs is when your key starts to give you problems whenever you try to turn it in the lock. When the key is not turning as it supposed to, it could be indicative of a damaged actuator or a malfunctioning lock bolt. Attempting to lock or open the door while experiencing resistance from the key can result in it breaking off inside the lock. You also stand the chance of causing further damage to the lock itself, which would require you to opt for lock replacement. If you start to notice your key is giving you problems, have your residential locksmith examine the lock so that the underlying problem is diagnosed and remedied immediately.

The lock cylinder has started to shift

Just as your doorknob may begin to loosen, you should also be wary of a lock cylinder that keeps shifting in place. When the lock cylinder is not stationary, there is a risk of the lock mechanism malfunctioning, as the components will not be in position. Consequently, you then find it hard to open or lock your door with its key. Have a locksmith discern whether the lock cylinder can be stabilised or if you will require replacement. 
