Keeping Your Business Safe: What do Commercial Locksmiths Recommend?

27 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your business premise is supposed to be well-secured. After all, this is where you keep the products you sell or the equipment you use to produce products or offer services. It's also your responsibility to make sure that your employees and visitors are safe whenever they are in the company building. Since doors are the main entry points, it's vital to ensure they are well secured and conveniently functional. Below are recommendations commercial locksmiths might offer on how to keep your company safe.

Purchase quality commercial locks

What kind of locks do you use to secure company building? Most business owners, especially those who are just starting, make a mistake of using locks that are meant for private or residential use. Well, unless you know more about locks like a commercial locksmith, it would be difficult to differentiate between commercial and private locks. The locks you pick for your business should be designed for commercial use. Such locks are specially used to withstand tear and wear and cannot be opened without the original key. This means that they are reliable and can last longer.

Maintain your locks regularly

Performing routine care on your locks promotes their functionality and longevity and saves you money in the long run. Locks can stick once used for several months. If you realise that you need to wiggle a lock to open it, then it's time to lubricate it. Locks are susceptible to weather elements, dirt and water, which cause them not to function appropriately. Pressuring it to open will put a lot of stress on the components since they are corroded, and your lock will become faulty sooner than later. Fortunately, applying some lubricant like graphite powder and WD-40 on the keyhole, bolt work and latches can reduce friction, enabling the parts to move smoothly.

Consider other security measures

Even if you have a high-quality security door and commercial locks, you can still consider other forms of security to keep unauthorised persons away. For instance, you can install a surveillance system or alarm system that suits your needs. The cameras are essential since they will help you identify possible security issues you wouldn't have noticed. Moreover, you can watch the footage to see everyone who came to the property at any time of the day. The good news is that some surveillance systems can be accessed remotely. An alarm system sounds an alarm when an intruder tries to unlock the security door. Finally, you can also install a fence and gate around the business premises.
